Saturday, 11 July 2009


In the front of the Unknown Garden there was a line up of hollyhocks in various colours.
I took this one because it looked a bit on the shy side and still not fully open.

1 comment:

Kathleen Sauerbrei said...

What a wonderful study of a flower Katie.
Thanks for dropping in, I do know what time restrictions are lately.

Bonnie was a real trouper waiting to get married through-out all the negativity that facecd that day!
In the end, all was wonderful (as a wedding should be!:) )

Your very kind comments on my Poppies Painting are appreciated. This one took me about a week of intensive work.
I checked out the Haiku and thought it was so apropos.
Your flower Photographs are lovely to see at any time, and I think that the Haiku was so near the truth.

Yes. "Beautiful" does it!
Be well my friend.